Fellowship & Internship
Please check back often for more opportunities, we will be updating this list regularly!
Wunee Keesuq!
I hope this email finds you well. As promised, here is more information about the Harvard University New England Tribal Resource Fair. On Thursday November 21st, HUNAP will host Harvard Schools and Programs to present at a Virtual Resource Fair. Tribal Communities are encouraged to join, attached you will find the original flyer, a detailed schedule for the day, and in the body of this email the Zoom link. Please share this widely. Individuals do not have to attend the entire day but can join for sessions pertinent to their focus. Each program will present for 15 minutes with a Q + A of 25 minutes to follow in a breakout room. This is a great opportunity to find ways for Harvard to support your work and to ask direct questions of the folks running these programs.
We will record the sessions and send this out for further circulation along with a packet of detailed information on ways to partner. This is the first time we are attempting this event and will learn a lot from it, but we hope that attendance from Tribal Communities is high, so we can show the desire and need for this work to the University in the future.
Thank you for your help in this and you continued partnership and support of HUNAP. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
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