Requests for Proposals/Quotes
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) practices Indian Preference in hiring and awarding of contracts.
Request for Proposals for Tribal Housing Drainage/Playground Project (Posted 11/20/2024)
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is seeking proposals for the mitigation of drainage issues and restoration of landscape on Tribal property in Aquinnah, MA.
Due largely to road runoff and landscape grading issues, the Natural Resources Department has been working with an engineering contractor to find solutions for flooding in the playground area of Tribal Housing. During a heavy rain event, the playground area becomes flooded, as do the basements of housing units. For the housing units, this creates increased moisture and mold issues, resulting in direct health concerns. The Department has been developing a plan to work with the Housing Authority to re-grade this area and redirect the runoff to existing catch basins.
In order to mitigate the drainage issues in this area, we need to:
File for and acquire permits to do the work needed
Recontour the property
Re-grade and rebuild the area in order to re-route the hydrologic flow
Install additional catch basin(s) to remove roadway runoff
Install roadway edge to prevent overflow onto grass area
Install swale along roadway edge if required based on engineering survey and in field findings.
Replant the newly regraded area with native plants and restore the grass space for use by the residents.
The bids will be reviewed as received. Please label all proposals: “Tribal Housing Drainage/Playground Project RFP”. Bids will be reviewed at the Tribal administration building during regular work hours as received. The bid will remain open until filled. Letters of interest may be mailed to: Natural Resources Department, 20 Black Brook Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535; faxed to 508 645-3790; or emailed to isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Requests for additional information and full scope of work may be made to Beckie Finn, Environmental Programs Coordinator, Wampanoag Natural Resources Department at (508) 645-9265x143, envcoord@ wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Request for Proposals for Herring Creek Dock Repairs (Posted 11/20/2024)
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is seeking proposals for the assessment and repair of the dock over Herring Creek in Aquinnah, MA.
The scope of work includes but is not limited to:
Assess stability and condition of current structure
Present options for repairs as needed
Apply for and obtain permits for the structural repair
Replace and stabilize current restrictive batterboards with respect to the current design in place
Insure the stability, integrity and safety of the structure
The Contractor will work directly with the Natural Resources Department staff.
The bids will be reviewed as received. Please label all proposals: “Herring Creek Dock RFP”. Bids will be reviewed at the Tribal administration building during regular work hours as received. The bid will remain open until filled. Letters of interest may be mailed to: Natural Resources Department, 20 Black Brook Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535; faxed to 508 645-3790; or emailed to isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Requests for additional information and full scope of work may be made to Beckie Finn, Environmental Programs Coordinator, Wampanoag Natural Resources Department at (508) 645-9265x143, envcoord@ wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Request for Proposals for 19 M21 GIS Asset Management Project
Technical Assistance, Training, and Education for Tribal Wastewater Facilities
Final Submission Due:
The proposal must be received by 5:00 p.m., local time, on December 15, 2023. A duly authorized representative empowered to bind the Consultant must sign the proposal. Proposals shall be submitted to the following; email subject line must include the project name and number, “GIS Asset Management, Technical Assistance, and Training” NS-19-M21.
Attn: Dave Zimmerman, Housing Administrator
Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal Housing Authority
PO Box 479, Chilmark MA 02535
Request for Proposals - Invasive Species Management
Posted 11/20/2024
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is seeking proposals for the development of a management plan to remove the encroaching invasive species, replace those species with native plants, and maintain the area until the native species is fully reestablished.
The Tribe also seeks proposals to implement the plan, once it has been developed.
The goal of this project is to support the removal of invasive plant species and to restore the existing landscape to a more natural and self-sustaining form, removing invasive nuisance plants and replanting the area utilizing native plants that support the prevention of shoreline erosion and encourage native edible landscape species.
Restored conditions in the designated areas will:
Provide natural green infrastructure that improves water quality along the watershed area;
Create an adequate buffer for non-point source pollution and wellhead protection;
Create an adequate environment that supports native habitat for numerous wildlife species;
Provide native sustenance foods for all species present in the area. Examples might include, but are not limited to: blackberries, elder, blueberries, rosehips.
The Contractor will work directly with the Natural Resources Department staff.
The bids will be reviewed as received. Please label all proposals: “Invasive Species Management RFP”. Bids will be reviewed at the Tribal administration building during regular work hours as received. The bid will remain open until filled. Letters of interest may be mailed to: Natural Resources Department, 20 Black Brook Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535; faxed to 508 645-3790; or emailed to isa@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
Requests for additional information and full scope of work may be made to Beckie Finn, Environmental Programs Coordinator, Wampanoag Natural Resources Department at (508) 645-9265x143, envcoord@ wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov.
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) practices Indian Preference in the hiring and awarding of contracts.
Request for Proposals - Snow Plowing and Sanding Services
The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) requests qualifications and proposals for services related to the maintenance and safety of Tribal roads during inclement weather.
PROJECT MANAGER: Bret Sterns, Indirect Services Administrator
SCOPE OF WORK includes but is not limited to:
Contractor agrees to provide snow plowing services on a 24/7 basis during the season of risk during the contract period.
Plow and/or sanding activities shall begin at approximately 2”, monitoring and staging conducted on a 24/7 as-needed protocol.
Tribal roadway system shall be cleared to provide safe travel at safe speeds consistent with the current weather conditions.
Tribal roadway system includes providing access to 636 State Road, Aquinnah, 17 Old South Road, Aquinnah, and the Tribal Community Center.
SUBMISSIONS: Qualified and experienced individuals or firms must submit a sealed proposal. Work is to be completed on an hourly rate basis. Proposals shall include:
A fee schedule
A detailed estimate of hours required to address the needs identified in the Scope of Work.
Estimated costs for all materials, equipment, and services required to perform such work.
The contractor will be responsible for providing all equipment necessary to complete the work. Should non-customary administrative supplies be required to fulfill the project, markup on reimbursable supplies is not allowed due to the use of federal funds. Bids will be reviewed in the order they are received until a suitable candidate is found. Requests for additional information may be made to Bret Stearns, Indirect Services Administrator, Wampanoag Natural Resources Department at (508) 645-9265x141.